New work in Cowpasture Rd

The final section of the missing 600m link between Cowpasture Rd and the new Camden Valley Way shared parth was laid on Monday                              We would like to thank Dr Andrew McDonald  the local member, RTA and the Minister for Roads and Ports for their prompt action to resolve this issue.

Cowpasture Road – Construction commences on missing 700meters of shared path

After the recent completion of road widening works on Camden Valley Way at Horningsea Park the new shared path was not linked to the existing shared path Cowpasture Road. After an approach to Dr Andrew McDonald  the local member of State Parliament,  which he referred to the Hon. Duncan Gay MLC Minister for Roads and …

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Another new facilities now open

During our recent Shellharbour ride we inspected a new bridge under construction linking the beach cycleway at Warilla to Headlands Pde Barrack Point The bridge will allow you to cycle the coastline all the way from Windang bridge to Shellharbour beach, Saving a 5km detour via Shellharbour Road. We will be including this newly completed …

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